Canning Plain Pumpkin (& how to purée it later) | Pressure Canning Recipe & Video

Although, winter squashes and pumpkins can sit at room temperature for several months, this is a great way to bust through the tedious work of using that pumpkin and getting them in a more approachable form.

Canning them plain, gives you the most versatility with your pumpkin, and it’s a very straight forward process.

Here I go into tools, ingredients, and instructions to Pressure Can your Pumpkins.

Let’s Dive In…

Pressure Canning Plain Pumpkin Recipe

You must pressure can pumpkin into cubes; this cannot be canned pureed.

Any cooking pumpkin will work. In the video I show Musquee de Provence Pumpkins (link to seeds here). But most pumpkins are edible, except for large Jack o Lantern varieties and Gourds.

What type of pumpkin will determine how much yield you get, since all pumpkins are so unique to each other.

Tools you Need

  • Pressure Canner
  • Quart sized canning jars, lids, bands (wide mouth works well, you can also use pint jars)
  • Large Stockpot


  • Pumpkin- peeled, de-seeded, cut into 1 inch cubes
  • Water
  • Salt (Optional): 1 teaspoon per quart or 1/2 teaspoon per pint jar


  1. Being careful, Cut, peel, deseed your pumpkin. Cut flesh into 1-inch cubes.
  2. Place cut pumpkin cubes into your large stock pot. Fill your stock pot with water until it covers the pumpkin.
  3. Place stockpot onto the stove and bring to a boil.
  4. While your, pumpkin is heating up, set up your pressure canner on the heat and get your jars washed.
  5. Boil your pumpkin for 2-3 minutes. Edges of the cubes should be softer.
  6. Pull your pumpkin off the heat and prepare your jars.
  7. Fill your jars with pumpkin solids first, leaving 1-inch headspace. Can pack tightly.
  8. Pour hot cooking water into your jars, leaving a final 1-inch headspace.
  9. If using salt, add your salt to each jar.
  10. De-bubble well. Wipe Rims, place lids and bands on finger tight.
  11. Load your pressure canner with your jars. Following the instructions on your personal pressure canner, process Quarts for 90 minutes, Pints for 55 minutes, 10 pounds pressure adjusting for altitude.
  12. Unload your canner appropriately, let your jars sit on the countertop for 12-24 hours.
  13. Check seals. Wash jars in lukewarm soapy water. Label. Store on the shelf.

Canning Pumpkin Video

How to Puree Home-Canned Pumpkin Cubes

  • Strain liquid out into a bowl. Reserve liquid.
  • Put pumpkin cubes into a blender. Blend on low-medium until blended.
  • If thick, add 1 tsp of reserved liquid to get it going. Blending and adding teaspoons of liquid until desired consistency.

That’s It!

You don’t have to grow your own pumpkins to do this. Much of the “Autumn Decor” pumpkins sold in the fall are actually edible and can be found at good prices (especially at the end of the season).

Pumpkin can be used in much more than just pumpkin pie too: muffins, pancakes, rice dishes, curries, even pasta sauces.

For how easy it is to can them and how versatile the ingredient is, it’s worth the trouble!


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