Disclosure & Disclaimer Page

The Cottage Vegetable

Affiliate Disclosure

As of July 28, 2023:

I have recently closed my Amazon Associate account and will no longer be having Amazon affiliated links in my posts.

Any links found on the website are now non affiliate links.

They will simply be there because I wish for you to have a working kitchen that has the tools and gadgets that help you in the end.


This site is for educational purposes only.

These posts are not designed to be used for diagnosis purposes.

Please contact your qualified provider for health care advice.

Contact your qualified provider to see if any items discussed will cause any interactions with medications, allergies or if items need to be avoided during pregnancy or breastfeeding before using.

It is your responsibility to fully research items to see if items discussed will benefit your own health prior to using them.

If you are experiencing an emergency call your emergency number to your area.

Please follow all instructions to the canning recipes, and instruction booklets to your specific canner! Always practice safe canning behaviors.

Coupon Codes

The Cottage Vegetable has teamed up with Olle Gardens! I get commissions if you use my code at time of purchase. My code has no expiration date.

Use Coupon Code COTTAGEVEG10 at for 10% off your next purchase. (Visit their website here)

Pictured above is the Barn Red 12 in 1 Kit, that I have in my personal garden.

Updated 2/19/2024.

Thank you for reading and being a part of the community here at The Cottage Vegetable!

The Cottage Vegetable

Gardening & Preserving for a Practical Kitchen

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