Strawberry Rhubarb with Lemon Jam | Small Batch, Water Bath Canning

This jam recipe includes equal parts rhubarb, strawberries, and the brightness of lemon zest, and makes an even 8 jelly jars. Rhubarb jams of any sort are very hard to find in stores or in local markets, making this yet another homestead special for me (one, I'd rather not miss out on too, since it's … Continue reading Strawberry Rhubarb with Lemon Jam | Small Batch, Water Bath Canning

Canning Plain Pumpkin (& how to purée it later) | Pressure Canning Recipe & Video

Although, winter squashes and pumpkins can sit at room temperature for several months, this is a great way to bust through the tedious work of using that pumpkin and getting them in a more approachable form. Canning them plain, gives you the most versatility with your pumpkin, and it's a very straight forward process. Here … Continue reading Canning Plain Pumpkin (& how to purée it later) | Pressure Canning Recipe & Video

Butternut Squash Soup Starter | with Carrots, Onions, Celery | Pressure Canning

This soup starter is a great way to get some butternut squash, carrots, onions, celery sliced & diced, and ready to go for cooking. Processed in broth, these vegetables can be used in soups, pastas sauces, or even left as a vegetable side dish, and are full of flavor! Here I go into tools you … Continue reading Butternut Squash Soup Starter | with Carrots, Onions, Celery | Pressure Canning

Herbed Potatoes with Onions | Pressure Canning, Raw Pack, Potatoes in Water

Canned potatoes can be baked, fried, boiled, and even turned into soup. And for some reason, potatoes are more delicious after canning than in some fresh potato recipes turn out! And adding herbs and onions to the potatoes makes them even better. This is an easy raw pack method to get 7 pounds of potatoes … Continue reading Herbed Potatoes with Onions | Pressure Canning, Raw Pack, Potatoes in Water

Pork n’ Beans | Pressure Canning Red Kidney Beans with Bacon & Tomato Sauce | 7 Quarts

Pork n' beans come with many names and can be made several different ways, but around here we tend to treat them like BBQ beans and keep things simple. This recipe avoids excessive sugar, no molasses, uses basic pantry items like your favorite bacon, red beans, diced tomatoes, and some spices to make that sweet … Continue reading Pork n’ Beans | Pressure Canning Red Kidney Beans with Bacon & Tomato Sauce | 7 Quarts

Canning Strawberry Jam | Low Sugar, Pectin, Fresh or Frozen Berries | Water Bath Canning

Strawberry jam is a pantry staple for our house, and canning your own is thankfully easy enough. In fact, I haven't bought storebought jam in years because all you need are 3 basic ingredients, some pectin, and a couple hours slotted away to make a batch. That said, I have learned that we prefer a … Continue reading Canning Strawberry Jam | Low Sugar, Pectin, Fresh or Frozen Berries | Water Bath Canning

Canning Cranberry Juice | Water Bath Canning, Raw Pack Method

Cranberry juice is one of those fruit juices that holds a punch in health benefits: it contains plenty of antioxidants, vitamins, and polyphenols that help the heart and body. It's easy enough to find cranberry juice in the stores, but it's even easier to make it at home with fresh, frozen or even homegrown cranberries … Continue reading Canning Cranberry Juice | Water Bath Canning, Raw Pack Method

Canning Ham & Potato Soup | Pressure Canning the Ultimate Pantry Meal

Home-canned soups has got to be one of the best 'pantry meals' you can make for yourself. Here I go into what to harvest from your garden, tools you need, ingredients, and step by step instructions on how to pressure can this hearty ham and potato soup. Let's Dive In Pressure Canning Ham and Potato … Continue reading Canning Ham & Potato Soup | Pressure Canning the Ultimate Pantry Meal

Dill Pickle Relish | Whole Ingredient, Small Batch Recipe | Water Bath Canning

Even if you have just a few pounds of cucumbers from the farmer's market or your garden, here is a recipe to make a delicious dill relish for all your summer foods. The balance between the dill, the vinegar, and the slight sweetness makes it a versatile relish for your kitchen. And one that is … Continue reading Dill Pickle Relish | Whole Ingredient, Small Batch Recipe | Water Bath Canning

Canning Tart Cherries Whole | Water bath canning

It's cherry season here in Michigan, canning them whole is an incredibly easy way to put this fruit up on the shelf for later. Here I go into tools you need, ingredients, and step by step instructions for canning tart cherries whole in a simple syrup. Let’s Dive In Canning Tart Cherries in Syrup Recipe … Continue reading Canning Tart Cherries Whole | Water bath canning

Blueberry Jam Recipe | Water Bath Canning | Using Frozen Berries, Pectin

This jam recipe uses frozen berries (store bought or homegrown), fresh lemons, cane sugar, and non-GMO powdered pectin. You don't have to grow your own blueberries or wait until U-pick season starts because this recipe is tailored for frozen berries! Here we look at tools you need, ingredients, and step by step instructions that will … Continue reading Blueberry Jam Recipe | Water Bath Canning | Using Frozen Berries, Pectin