Canning Plain Pumpkin (& how to purée it later) | Pressure Canning Recipe & Video

Although, winter squashes and pumpkins can sit at room temperature for several months, this is a great way to bust through the tedious work of using that pumpkin and getting them in a more approachable form. Canning them plain, gives you the most versatility with your pumpkin, and it's a very straight forward process. Here … Continue reading Canning Plain Pumpkin (& how to purée it later) | Pressure Canning Recipe & Video

Herbed Potatoes with Onions | Pressure Canning, Raw Pack, Potatoes in Water

Canned potatoes can be baked, fried, boiled, and even turned into soup. And for some reason, potatoes are more delicious after canning than in some fresh potato recipes turn out! And adding herbs and onions to the potatoes makes them even better. This is an easy raw pack method to get 7 pounds of potatoes … Continue reading Herbed Potatoes with Onions | Pressure Canning, Raw Pack, Potatoes in Water

Canning Cranberry Juice | Water Bath Canning, Raw Pack Method

Cranberry juice is one of those fruit juices that holds a punch in health benefits: it contains plenty of antioxidants, vitamins, and polyphenols that help the heart and body. It's easy enough to find cranberry juice in the stores, but it's even easier to make it at home with fresh, frozen or even homegrown cranberries … Continue reading Canning Cranberry Juice | Water Bath Canning, Raw Pack Method

Apple Butter Pie | Apple Pie Filling Recipe using Homemade Jam

Homemade apple butter or jam is a great thickener for apple pie filing and it's a great way to get through some of your stash. Just 7 staple ingredients, including a jar of apple butter, and a couple pie crusts (homemade or storebought), and you can get this pie recipe baking in the oven in … Continue reading Apple Butter Pie | Apple Pie Filling Recipe using Homemade Jam

Pressure Canning Chicken Thighs | Raw Pack, Boneless

Canned meat has got to be one of the top three most practical kitchen staples to have in your pantry. Thankfully, canning chicken is an incredibly easy venture and a delicious way to free up space in your freezer and move that meat to your shelf. Here I go into tools you need, ingredients, and … Continue reading Pressure Canning Chicken Thighs | Raw Pack, Boneless

Spiced Applesauce | Water Bath Canning

Applesauce is a handy ingredient to have on hand for several cooking adventures such as baked goods, pork dishes, ice cream toppings, or even just fresh eating. In this recipe I explain the ingredients and measurements I used to make my 29 pounds of apples into 21-pint jars of delicious, spiced applesauce (without peeling skins!). … Continue reading Spiced Applesauce | Water Bath Canning

Growing & Preserving Swiss Chard | A Practical Green to Grow at Home

Swiss Chard is one of the easiest greens to grow, even more so than spinach or lettuce. Swiss Chard can withstand the heat better than other greens, tolerate some shade, and gives you a larger harvest by number simply because the plants can grow so large. It's also one of the healthiest greens you can … Continue reading Growing & Preserving Swiss Chard | A Practical Green to Grow at Home

Canning Ham & Potato Soup | Pressure Canning the Ultimate Pantry Meal

Home-canned soups has got to be one of the best 'pantry meals' you can make for yourself. Here I go into what to harvest from your garden, tools you need, ingredients, and step by step instructions on how to pressure can this hearty ham and potato soup. Let's Dive In Pressure Canning Ham and Potato … Continue reading Canning Ham & Potato Soup | Pressure Canning the Ultimate Pantry Meal

How to make Broth | Cottage Pantry Meals

Broth is the best place to start when wanting to cook food from scratch. It's an easy culinary skill that gives you a versatile ingredient for your kitchen that can reach several recipes. Here we discuss supplies you need, ingredients, and a step-by-step instruction to make your own broth at home. Lets dive in.. Homemade … Continue reading How to make Broth | Cottage Pantry Meals