Canning Plain Pumpkin (& how to purée it later) | Pressure Canning Recipe & Video

Although, winter squashes and pumpkins can sit at room temperature for several months, this is a great way to bust through the tedious work of using that pumpkin and getting them in a more approachable form. Canning them plain, gives you the most versatility with your pumpkin, and it's a very straight forward process. Here … Continue reading Canning Plain Pumpkin (& how to purée it later) | Pressure Canning Recipe & Video

Pressure Canning Carrots & Onions, with Herbs | Raw Pack Method

These are not metallic tasting! Done with carrots, onions, herbs, and a light broth, these canned carrots will take your food storage up a notch with delicious and flavorful carrots that can then be used as a side, in soups or in sauces. Here I go into tools you need, ingredients, and step by step … Continue reading Pressure Canning Carrots & Onions, with Herbs | Raw Pack Method

Herbed Potatoes with Onions | Pressure Canning, Raw Pack, Potatoes in Water

Canned potatoes can be baked, fried, boiled, and even turned into soup. And for some reason, potatoes are more delicious after canning than in some fresh potato recipes turn out! And adding herbs and onions to the potatoes makes them even better. This is an easy raw pack method to get 7 pounds of potatoes … Continue reading Herbed Potatoes with Onions | Pressure Canning, Raw Pack, Potatoes in Water

Pork n’ Beans | Pressure Canning Red Kidney Beans with Bacon & Tomato Sauce | 7 Quarts

Pork n' beans come with many names and can be made several different ways, but around here we tend to treat them like BBQ beans and keep things simple. This recipe avoids excessive sugar, no molasses, uses basic pantry items like your favorite bacon, red beans, diced tomatoes, and some spices to make that sweet … Continue reading Pork n’ Beans | Pressure Canning Red Kidney Beans with Bacon & Tomato Sauce | 7 Quarts

Pressure Canning Chicken Thighs | Raw Pack, Boneless

Canned meat has got to be one of the top three most practical kitchen staples to have in your pantry. Thankfully, canning chicken is an incredibly easy venture and a delicious way to free up space in your freezer and move that meat to your shelf. Here I go into tools you need, ingredients, and … Continue reading Pressure Canning Chicken Thighs | Raw Pack, Boneless

Canning Ham & Potato Soup | Pressure Canning the Ultimate Pantry Meal

Home-canned soups has got to be one of the best 'pantry meals' you can make for yourself. Here I go into what to harvest from your garden, tools you need, ingredients, and step by step instructions on how to pressure can this hearty ham and potato soup. Let's Dive In Pressure Canning Ham and Potato … Continue reading Canning Ham & Potato Soup | Pressure Canning the Ultimate Pantry Meal