Canning Ham & Potato Soup | Pressure Canning the Ultimate Pantry Meal

Home-canned soups has got to be one of the best ‘pantry meals’ you can make for yourself.

Here I go into what to harvest from your garden, tools you need, ingredients, and step by step instructions on how to pressure can this hearty ham and potato soup.

Let’s Dive In

Pressure Canning Ham and Potato Soup Recipe

From the Garden:

You don’t need a garden to make this recipe, but some ingredients you can easily grow yourself.

Here are some seeds to try in your garden that relate to this recipe or items you can harvest for:

  • Chives or Garlic Chives
  • Culinary Sage
  • Yellow Onions such as New York Early, Walla Walla, or Early Texas Grano
  • Potatoes such as Kennebec, Yukon Gold, Red Norland, or any fingerling types (any potato works though)

Tools you Need:

  • Pressure Canner
  • Quart or pint-sized mason jars with lids/bands
  • Jar lifter
  • Funnel, Ladel
  • Large Stockpot
  • Tea Towels


Makes 5 quart jars or 10 pint jars (plus some extra broth)

  • 4 cups Diced Ham
  • 12 cups (about 4 pounds) Diced Potatoes
  • 3 cups Diced Onions (about 2 large)
  • 3 tablespoons Chopped Fresh Herbs: Chives and Sage
  • 1 tablespoon Celery Seed
  • 1 tablespoon Garlic Powder
  • 1/8th cup (or to taste) Canning Salt
  • 1 teaspoon (or to taste) Fresh Ground Pepper
  • 6 cups Broth (about 3 boxes of storebought)
  • 4 cups Water
  • 3 tablespoons “Better than Bouillon” chicken flavored paste (can use beef flavor if you wish)
  • Splash of EVOO


This is a HOT PACK METHOD (which is the best method for home canned soup)

  • Make broth if needed, usually the day before: you can find my basic broth recipe here
  • Pre chop all your veggies, fresh herbs, and your ham to streamline the process.
  • Place jars in a sink with hot vinegar water.
  • Get your pressure canner started on the stove (soup takes a while to boil so place on medium or low heat at this time)
  • Start Soup: in your large stock pot pour just a splash of EVOO, let heat up for 1 minute.
  • Add onions, add ham. Sautee until onions have softened and any fatty pieces on the ham has rendered down (about 5 minutes). You can also caramelize your onions if you wish for more flavor.
  • Add Potatoes. Add broth, water, and better than bouillon paste.
  • Stir well. Add all spices, except salt.
  • Stir well. Add salt one tablespoon at a time, waiting a couple minutes in between each tablespoon. You are aiming for an “almost too salty” taste, so the potatoes have enough salt to absorb and be seasoned with during canning but be careful not to cross that line.
  • Once salted well, bring to a simmer and allow to simmer for 15 or 20 minutes.
  • Bring your jars out of your sink.
  • Fill jars using a one-inch headspace with your ladle and funnel: I add 2/3 to 3/4th jar full of solids, and top with broth. If you want a more brothy soup: fill jar halfway with solids and the other half with broth.
  • De-bubble. Wipe Rims. Place Lids on finger tight.
  • Follow the instructions on your specific canner at this point to Pressure can at 10 pounds (altitude adjustments if needed).
  • Quart Jars need 90 minutes. Pint Jars need 75 minutes.
  • Once done, Place jars on a dry tea towel. Please note potatoes should have soaked up some of the broth. No need to panic if the solids are now above the broth.
  • Allow to cool and check seals after 24 hours.
  • Wash jars in lukewarm soapy water before placing on shelf.
  • Enjoy!

Video How To Here:

That’s It!

Please note this is a thin version of classic ham and potato soup.

For canning purposes, you cannot home-can thicken soups BUT you can always thicken it afterwards when preparing the meal with a rue, gravy, cheese, cream, whichever way you like.

This is delicious as is too.


Happy Canning!

-Chelsea, The Cottage Vegetable

The Cottage Vegetable

Gardening & Preserving for a Practical Kitchen

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