Canning Vegetable Soup | Pressure Canning

Here I go into vegetables you can grow in your garden, tools you need, ingredients, and instructions to pressure can Vegetable Soup at home.

Lets Dive In

Vegetable Soup Canning Recipe

From the Garden

This recipe does not take a huge amount of harvest to make this soup, so even a small garden could manage to grow enough vegetables for this recipe.

These are all practical vegetables to grow, and any of these vegetables can be grown easily, even for a beginner.

Try growing these:

  • Carrots: Scarlet Nantes, Danvers Half Long, Imperator 58
  • Tomatoes: Umberto, Ukranian Purple, San Marzano, Blue Beech
  • Potatoes: German Butterball, White Medley
  • Beans: Jacob’s Cattle, Tiger’s Eye, Mayflower Pole Bean
  • Peas: Little Marvel, Sugar Ann Pea
  • Sweet Corn: Casino, Honey N’ Pearl, Golden Bantam

Now there is a lot of varieties to try, so these are just a few for each vegetable.

Tools You Need

  • Stock pot
  • Pressure Canner
  • Quart sized mason jars, with lids, bands
  • Jar lifter, canning funnel
  • Tea Towels


Makes 7 Quarts

Storebought measurements and measurements for home canned goods are given.

  • 3 cans (14.5 oz cans or 3-pint jars) diced tomatoes, fired roasted is preferred.
  • 1 can (14.5 oz can or 1 pint jar) crushed tomatoes
  • 2 pounds potatoes, peeled, cubed into small pieces.
  • 1-pound carrots, peeled, thinly sliced.
  • 2 cans (14.5 oz cans or 2-pint jars) cannellini beans
  • 1 bag (10-12 oz) frozen corn
  • 1 bag (10-12 oz) frozen peas
  • 3 medium onions, chopped finely.
  • 2 quarts (2 boxes) beef broth
  • 2 heaping tablespoons of “Better than Bouillon” Bouillon Paste, Beef Flavored
  • 2-3 tablespoons salt, or to taste
  • 2-3 tablespoons Italian seasoning
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Garlic powder to taste
  • Sugar, to taste, if needed, to cut tomato acidity


This is a Hot Pack method using the Pressure Canner.

  • Set up your pressure canner on the stove and place your jars in hot vinegar water.
  • In your large stock pot, add onions, carrot, potatoes, beans, tomatoes, corn, peas. Sautéed until onions are translucent and any icy chunks from the frozen vegetables are broken up.
  • Add broth, bouillon paste, and seasonings.
  • Stir well.
  • Allow to simmer for 5-15 minutes until all frozen veggies are thawed, salt has dissolved, and seasonings are to your liking.
  • Soup doesn’t need to be completely cooked just hot.
  • Once soup is hot, pull jars out and prepare to fill them.
  • Fill your hot soup into your hot jars leaving a 1-inch headspace. To make 7 quarts easily, aim for only 2/3 of the jar full of soup solids, pouring the broth over that to make the headspace. Pouring solids to the top will overcrowd the jar and not make 7 quarts.
  • Wipe rims, de-bubble, place band and lids on finger right.
  • Pressure can quarts for 90 mins at 10 pounds pressure, adjusting for altitude. Pints for 75 minutes at 10 pounds pressure, adjusting for altitude. Following pressure canner’s instructions.
  • Allow to cool on a dry tea towel for 24 hours.
  • Check seals, wash jars, store on your shelf.

That’s It!

This recipe lends well to a great tasting vegetable soup packed with nutrition without any bitterness or metal taste some storebought cans give.

When ready to eat, simply open the jar, reheat on the stove, and serve warm with bread on the side or on a bed or rice.


The Cottage Vegetable

Gardening & Preserving for a Practical Kitchen

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12-IN 1 Metal Raised bed in Barn Red, featured in my own personal garden

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